Brennan Ten Fold 311
Tattoo: 3113
Registration #: 17490060
Calved:  02/23/13
Birth Weight: 62


A A R Ten X 7008 S A Mytty In Focus S A F Focus Of E R
Mytty Countess 906
A A R Lady Kelton 5551

S A V Adaptor 2213

H S A F Lady Kelton 504B
Spruce MTN Blackcap 1202 Hoover Dam Sydgen C C & 7
Erica Of Ellston C124
Limestone Blackcap U1146 N Bar Emulaion EXT
G A R 004 Traveler 2328
-1.5 .35
+60 .27
+32 .18
+113 .24
+10 . .32


A A R Ten X 7008 S A

A A R Lady Kelton 5551

Hoover Dam

Erica Of Ellston C124

Sydgen C C & 7

Limestone Blackcap U1146

N Bar Emulaion EXT

S A F Focus Of E R

S A V Adaptor 2213




For more information contact

Jim and Lori French @ Clay Creek Angus  

(307) 762-3541  3334 Road 14 Greybull WY 82426  
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